all shit stuff.
Tomorrow is my history test :/
Such a shit subject. :l
There's a question from my notes which can make us score 12 marks.
Qustion: Why was the War Communism introduced by Lenin? Explain you answer.
My Answer: Because it's not introduced by Stalin. If Lenin introduce, Stalin won't introduce.
HA! I expect to get my 12 marks.
:/ History is really a very difficult subject larh!
I don't know how do teacher get all those stuffs into their brain.
I think their brain is make up of 100000000000MB memory stick.
zzz, zzz, zzz
This week is so fully packed.
Monday history test, tuesday is physics test, wednesday is cross country, thursday is national day, Friday is free, Saturday maybe going out, Sunday stay at home.
I know that k800i already came out very long,
but what's wrong if I buy it now? Issit your bussiness?
Why must you care? Can you just shut the fuck up?
Why people don't tag when they view people's blog?
Lazy? Just type in your name and the message, "HELLO(:"
It's not difficult, isn't it?
Pictures are in the dustbin, go get it.
I want to know, why are there so many people using this in MSN?
This is not nice at all, not nice at all. NOT AT ALL.
My mother went back Taiwan today ):
She's coming back on the 29thAug'07
Anyone want anything can just tag me and tell me.
You'll be charged, not free.
Thankyou for your understanding.