This post is edited, I was thinking if the post is so short must well I don't blog.
So, I shall edit it.
Oh damnit! I don't blog my unique viewers drop dramatically ( whatever it spells )
* But heavent reach 0 unique viewer before.
I shall and I will! I am gonna do well for my O level!
Just wish me some luck, oh man, by than my blog will be damn dead!
Nevermind, one more year. ):
I wanna WORK! Damn! I went Wild wild wet AGAIN today.
They say that they need people now,
( as if there are many people going there to play -.- )
So, I went and apply for slide attendance.
PEOPLE! Give suggestion to my blog!! I think that it's super dull.
Oh man, I some kind of lose interest in blogging.
WHATHEFUCK! nonono!!!
Oh yah.. I can't wait to tell you people is that I received a mail saying that i received S$1000,000! I was super excited until my cousin says that they are fakers.
Alright, I've send them a mail and ask them to give me their number and I will NEVER give them my bank account number, later all my money gone! And If I really got! OMG!
I calculated, every month $2000 I spend and I can live up till 56 years old without working at all! And i promised give Kaiyan $3000
*Kaiyan! I can't wait to blog it out, just hope people don't kid nap me, I do self defence! Just hope it's real man!
It's raining cats and dogs now.
Wanna watch Gameplan. Shall go out soon.
Im broke, fuck.
People! If you don't know, that David Copperfield cancelled his performance in Singapore! It's so saddening right!? He was sued for rapping a girl.
* Magician can be pervert too, why can't he do a magic and *POOOOF* he disappear.

Should I MIA* ?
Shermaine: Thankyou uh! Cute. :]
Guests: I was there, yep, never wave and call me? :)
Zaqia: They are SUCKERS.
Wendy: HELLLLO! 4am still don't sleep! LOL
Aldrich: It's just a "quiz".
Cherlyn: Not no people view still got about 100 unique viewers but at first was about 200, nobody told me about mozilla thingy, added you in MSN, I'm not using mozilla, you print screen let me see okayys?
a girl: Because I retained a year.
Jialing: Shall try not too..