Hello. I'm Ray

Tuesday, December 4, 2007 @ 8:03 AM
Singapore lover

I look like Singapore flag -.- I was trying out and I didn't wear this out at last.
Later people thought I crazy or what.

I went Orchard for two days and my legs are breaking.
Decided to stay at home now and going out later.

Me And Adeline
The jiao-est pose on orchard road. lol
The balloon should be in the picture -.-

Class BBQ on 8thDEC.

*give me sweet for replying every comment:D

Remember the post on Internet Scam?
I now received a mail ( I don't know if it's scam )
I think it is not because it's from readers' digest.
I've won a car! It cost about 70 thousand!

I promised to give my mother half of it,
my younger borther $1000,
My elder brother's girlfriend $500,
Lydia & Adeline ( still considering how much ).

I'm not going to give my father and elder brother
they keep saying it's fake and whatever,
and when I get don't expect me to treat them anything.

( just hope I get )*

And I'll be rich! HOHOHO!

Remember to follow me on Twitter!