Current Status:
"Be my friend, be steady."
Follow me on: Twitter

Hello, I'm Stingray
NanYang Poly - Business Management.
The fact is:
> I don't photoshop my photos
Because I only know how to use paint. Hahahaaaa
Accounts I hold:
I have Friendster, I have Facebook,
I have hi5, I have Twitter,
I have this blog, I have Viwawa,
I have Wireless@SG, I have Youtube,
I have MSN, I have Stickam,
I have Picoodle, I have Winkflash,
I have Photobucket, I have Skype,
I have iTune, I have Cbox,
I have Nuffnang, I have Haloscan,
I have Heucampus, I have elearn,
I have Gunbound, I have o2jam,
I have Audition, I have Neopets.
I have Myflashfetish, I have Imeem.
But got no a/c to log into a girl's heart