Today went parkway work the full whole day, but the time pass super fast, I didn't know why.
Weiying and Angelina came down to find me.. yeap, I gave Angelina the c905 (:
Angelina waited for me than we took 36, down to suntec, while she went to work.
Met up Ahleei, Rach, Elvira, Wendy and Johnathan came.. 6 of us, went to arcade..
Yeah, we played the sweet machine can!
Total, we played $30, than rachel still not very satisfied cause the mickey mouse is right infront, gonna drop liao.. than she say..
Rachel:" Ah leei, last ten dollar "
Yep, she went to help to change token, and she come back with $20 tokens!
( The auntie counted wrongly, wahaha!! )
But the sad thing is that the jackpot bar went back to zero ):
Wendy than called the person, which can see she is totally bak chek already,
ghost can see too -.-
Wendy:" We got three more bar to B lei, than the thing go back zero "
Auntie:" How can that be? "
Wendy:" Just now we go change than come back become zero liao. Than we sit here so long, of course it is resonable what"
Auntie open the machine... press the button for us.. until...
3 bars to jack pot! LOL~
That two moment really make us so happy lo! Getting extra $10 tokens and 3 more bars to jackpot!
Okay, after we won the jackpot, all of us headed to MRT, Me rachel and Wendy chionggggg all the way from Suntec to Cityhall.
Yeas, we got into the last train and we went home.. (:
( Ahleei, pweashhzxzx stop ballet-ing, your boss might fire you )