Yeaps, lucky today never halfway zao work,
if I zao, I'll just kill Millicent!
After work, went bugis to meet Millicent and Melanie,
went Swensen, than head down to bugis street to buy berms.
After must consideration, bought one 50% shinny black berm.
My title, during work. I'm gonna list all those who walk pass me when I'm working and I saw them and some of them are really nice to walk in and have a small chat with me, :)
These lucky (hahaha) people are:
Adeline, Belinda, Clara, Elaine, Elvira, Fel, Fiona, Fokchai, Fransis, Gabriel, Grace, Hsinghan, Houhong, Huishan, Jaqueline, Jaslene, Justina, Kaiyan, Keang, Kimberlyn, Lincoln, Madam Sutinah, Millicent, Mr Seetoh, Naikhee, Rachel, Seetleei, Shawn, Stella, Tjialing, Wanyi, Weirong, Weiying, Wendy, Whyekit, Xiaoyun, Xiuting, Zaqia, Zheyee
You see, I work can meet so many people, they are either roaming Parkway or Tampines mall.
Wahaha, will update again soon, maybe at night,
cause a few hours later will be at tiong baru, having interview.
/It's really possible that someone you trust alot, betrayed you alot too, becareful of those bitches and bastards. You'll find them soon!