Hello. I'm Ray

Sunday, April 12, 2009 @ 1:39 AM

Well, went to Zheyee house in the morning to help her out
and after eating and preparing, her mom drive us to the flea location,
which took us like half and hour there cause we couldn't get to plaza sing!

After turning and whining, at last reached.
Like wth, Zheyee got so many things lah! We couldn't even squeeze in lo
Than after 5 minutes, at last we settle down

Sweat like f.

Some more it rain,
and everyone was like stay at the small place,
and all of us were hungry, thirsty, and sticky.

After standing for like 5 hours, time to pack
and after that we went to Kallang there to grab a bite
A big bite

And you know what!?
We couldn't finish the Hokien mee, waste of $4
That's when I found a rubber band in the food!

Zheyee's mom help me get back $4, LOL!
I'm so happy, I never waste money! (:

After that went to market 85 with zheyee to find Rachel they all
than slack and now I'm back home,

Later there is still another flea, sure gonna be very tiring
" Should I bring my Lappie there? "

( Next post will be the ultimate one, really, will be the best post ever! )
Do come back!

Remember to follow me on Twitter!