Hello. I'm Ray

Tuesday, June 9, 2009 @ 6:00 PM
Be online all day!


Hey, have you wonder how it would be if you're online for 86400seconds (24hours) everyday!?!
And you have no worries to lost connection anywhere and everywhere!?

What are the places you would like to stay online and contact those geeks at home?

Of course somewhere with grass! You and your friends bored of taking photos already?
How I wish we can actually just pull a mat and go online straight away!
And I can just take millions of stupid shots with friends and post it up on my blog anytime!

Going for a long trip?
Where you live at Kembangan and yet needs to travel to Choachukang to work?
How boring can it be when you have nothing to do for that 3 hours trip to and back home?
Broadband on mobile youth plan can solve all your boredom!
Stop your yearning right now and start accessing to facebook and MSN!
Singtel, giving the best network coverage is waiting for you to use everywhere!

Yes, stop giving me that face!
It's totally true and real!
Arn't you as excited as you're playing that swing?
Take out your phone and take down your most ugly photo and post it up now!
Show your friends what you can do with

Singtel best network's coverage's Broadband on mobile Youth Plan!

"Now you can Live Life Online Anywhere with SingTel BroadBand on Mobile Youth Plan! Visit www.singtel.com/youth for details.

The best you can get now! Grab it now! And not jealous of friends, but let your friends to be jealous of you!!

What you waiting for? Sign up at any Singtel shop today!


Remember to follow me on Twitter!