I got nothing more to blog already.
I've been staying at home for 4 days!
Kinda save a bit money $$ (:
/ Yes, if you stop acting so pityly just to get people's comfort.
It sucks. toomuch, to me. It's disgusting.
Nobody interestine is online now.
I only like talking to a few people on MSN.
Shall list them out! HAHA!
Adeline C.
Cecilia C.
Jialing C.
Elvira C.
Kerli C.
Kimberly C.
Peier C.
Weiying L.
Wendy Y.
Zhiqian Y.
( can you see the first few is all C? I don't know, I didn't purpersly do it! WHOOOO )
These are the people who can listen to my craps -.-
heehee, but sometime alot people online, also nobody nice to chat with,
Alright, I've do some achivement scroll.
WHOO! I took long time to do that .. zzzz
Very tiring now.
It's so bored now! No one nice is online.
shall see...
23 retarded online only.
No one is nice to talk to. zzz.
ADELINE CHUA! ONLINE! I want chat with you la.
Someone is chatting with me,
*make sure you get sicker and die.