Hello people! I lay my fingers back to the keyboard again! Be happy. I've got back my camera from Kayan and I am posting photos today.
Some random.
- My father is super ridiculous- Don't fucking care him.
- Elvira went back already.
- Christmas sure wil be fun.
- Lydia, Adeline Kimb, Angelina, Kaiyan, Ruth, Zheyee, Aldrich, Hsinray, Kameng, Lester and maybe more.
I love bubbletea and Icecream now.
Icecream? Shall talk about it.
People say that when we eat ice cream, it can tell us how fast we wanna when we are having intercourse ( look! I'm using polite word )
For eg, if you gobble that cone ice cream without your own realisation, mm.
And you see those people who slowly lick and turn, they sure want to do it casually.
I love passion fruit green tea.
- The best pearl found in Singapore is at Suntec tower 4.
Watched Bratz. Kinda like Hairspray.
I didn't put tatoo that day, cause my brother girlfriend says that it's not nice, and she suggest that I should save more money and go to better tatooist than Peninsular one, anyway I'm already 16.
If you intend to borrow money from a guy and just hope that you don't have to return it just because he is a guy, and you expect him to be a gentleman ( abit weird spelling ), you suck totally lah please. For the least amount, you still have to return him even though he never ask for it. It's not your money and you should return it. And how thick skin you have to ask him buy you something so that you will return him the money, like wtf?
Going partyworld with Adeline, Lydia and Shi next wednesday.

30th October 2007
Out with Kaiyan a few weeks back and she bought this book titling : "How to Study" And she said that after she read, she'll give someone who need it. Look at her cheeky smile.
Thankyou Kayan for that blackie from Hongkong.
On the way to airport, hey hey! My camera sure better than yours!
Happy travelling Elvira! (Yesterday)
Thanks Elvira for that really girly card.
I'm doing christmas card now! The names have been done up.
I was packing my file and I saw this, Xulei wrote it
And if you didn't know how to read, it's in han yu pin in below:
ba yue zhong qiu shan lin yang
feng cui da di cao zi bai
Gan ling lao bu gan lin yang
lai nian yang mao cao ji mai
jin ji bai ya cao ji bai
jin ji mai zai cao ji bai
It's not meaningless okay!
After sending went to suntec and saw Tang yu Zhe,
will have his video up soon, im lazy now.
Ate two time pizza hut this week.