Hello, I'm blogging again ( yes, I know, you can see -.- )
Just a short post okay! Because I'm doing another post on the class BBQ! That we have about a few hours back.
Have you seen this donut before? It's selling at Tampinese
Interchange Q-BREAD. Superrr nice to eat!

I must say it's better than Donut Factory!
I think it suit my taste more, but it's also super expensive.
Donut Factory sell a dozen (12) for only $12
But this one sell half a dozen (6) at $14!
I know this photo look ugly, but it's already eaten
And I press too much contrast and it turn out so black
( lazy re-edit lah! )

Two days ago, saturday, I went suntec with Adeline, Lydia.
I never go out so much this holiday and I was actually,
a person who can walk alot, but I don't know why I only walk a few
times up down suntec, my leg was super tired and grrr.
Adeline wanted to buy this super clear web-cam @ $99 (?)

But in the end never.
Than we went to another tower to walk walk and I was so tired,
I ask them faster sit down and we were discussing Japanese when
a lady ( or jiejie would be better -.- ) came up to us..
and request of taking a photo of us and let us see how we'll look like
when we turn 60!
After much persuation, we did take the photo,
but didn't do the free-trimming (whatever it spells) eyebrow. lol
And Lydia and Adeline didn't want their photos to be seen,
but I saw my one and they even printed for me!
but, I think I'll depress for the next 44 years because..
OMG! It's fucking ugry!!!

( If you don't wanna puilt, don't scroll anymore )
( But I know you wanna see how fugly it is )
( OMG )
OMG! It's fucking ugry!!!
Non-smoker VS smoker!
( must remember to thank me for saving your 3 meals. hahha )

We got a free voucher for eyebrow shaping and whitening Facial,
going on wednesday! LOL!

Btw, you know this artist smokes?!

( Look below for the class BBQ post (: )