Hello. I'm Ray

Sunday, December 7, 2008 @ 10:42 PM
What's wrong?

I felt go disgusted by old men -.- And feel so irritated by Aunties.

Old men:
1) They dig their nose with whole finger inside their huge nostril! And shoot them.
2) One sit beside me and farted, fucking smelly, and left the bus next stop -.-
( So, am I the victim or culprit? )
3) They always repeat the word two three time..
( " I I I want that that that .. " )
4) Always look for Nokia phone and condemn Sony Ericsson. HELLO! Youngsters love SONY!
5) Think they are so experienced, maybe in fucking -.-

1) They'll repeat what you just said..
( Me: This is gold and with 8 GB )
( Auntie: Oh, so this is gold with 8 GB? )
Like hello -.- I just said.
2) They'll act blur and add words to your mouth. ( 3 gu 6 po )
3) If nothing to say, they'll ask you a very wide question.
( Aunties: How to get this? ) like.. er, buy?

And I think I will be fuck up by miss swan if I meet her and not watch her irritate people,
She's funny though -.-

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