Hello. I'm Ray

Tuesday, August 4, 2009 @ 12:29 AM

Cause I know that at the end, it'll be more awkward than me.
So, why keep myself into such a situation. Must well get my life planned before hand.
Anyways, at the end I'm still gonna sore like (what?). I'm a ego ego ego ego king.
But at least I do what I said

Well, you did a good job in mixing back in.
Continue to ripe your relationship but somehow your pm sound sick.
Srsly, cmi means cmi, don't try to use words to cover them up,
cause at the end, it'll be clearly proved and you'll be talk about again.

Once again.

However, I know you must be super surprised this day actually arrived.
I think the problem doesn't come from me.
Firstly you lied all the way, well, not totally to me, but my friends too.
and you know that is what i hate about most
I've experienced more than you, yet you are talking cock right in front of me
think i'm a fuck dumbo

One word: Poser

and i mean, be yourself and fuck off posers
why scared anyone talk about you
anyway, it's your style, why scared!

being talked back means you're equally important! HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA

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