Hello. I'm Ray

Tuesday, September 4, 2007 @ 9:49 AM
moving around

hello, days no update.
today shall update.

Went to Safari!
Total torture.
First, not enough money ;
becox the drinks are god damn ex ;
never watch the animal show becox all FULL! ;
Time constrain! ;
Not much pictures taken ;
Camera cannot flash , all DARK ;
Shall post up one day!

Went to Cityhall.
It's kinda bored, booooo!
After that from citylink walk to suntec,
And we went roming about.
Deciding to watch movie, in the end , no.
Wanted to have "Donut Factory",
in the end, no.

Eat pizza hut (:
Rosemary meal. :/
Very full. And guess who served us?
And I saw Weisheng in the kitchen when we paying the bill. lol.

Kinda tired, went home. :D
/ watched rataloullie. ( Front part )

Morning stayed at home.
Afternoon went to watch movie - Hairspray.
kinda nice, they sing is nice man, whooooo!
After that went to withdraw money,
and cats and dogs falling onto earth, all wet.

My shoe all wet!
Went to bedok to eat.
and travelled to Lavenda.
Buy converse shoe, but cannot find the place.
I've went there since 3 years ago. :/
My father called and ask to go home.

Meet him and big bro at bedok,
fetch to eat, not hungry.
Now at home... zzzz.

Desmond: The way you speak.
Serene: Bye bye:D
Wanyi: yoyoyoyo!
Zaqia: Maybe not so often, going out alot these few days.
HH: Who ask you don't eat?
Jialing: Updated :D

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