I bet you people saw this ads around everywhere right? Singtel is giving free unlimited sms to all! And now only left M1 that do not have this promo.
I told my manager to buck up! lol.
And this is funny:
"I once sent a naughty sms to my professor thinking it was my girlfriend"
Scaly he didn't know Singtel gonna put this phrase and he just took the picture and get paid $5000. how would he knw turn out this way. lmao.
Today I played Viwawa from 12am to 3am la! And I am satified with this tile
Qin yi se - 5 tai
Pong pong hu - 2 tai
Animal - 1 tai
(wah, if i get my flower, ho sei lah!)
*But i didn't hu, z, someone 1 tai go and hu. super bek chek.

Yesterday on the bus home, there's this two retarded "Bung" very ugly one, disgusting one..
The right one.. Xiao qiang, ah qiang, sms him!!!
"Hey, how to spell ... " (guess the word)
"er, I don't know lei.. err... "
"er.. co-koarch"
"Yah, got H one.. "
"How to spell???"
"My phone got dictionary, check from CO"
I was thinking, this two idiots. -.-