Hello. I'm Ray

Wednesday, August 12, 2009 @ 7:10 PM
Study life should start

Firstly, I enjoyed my life for the previous 1 week!
Club pub club and more clubbing!
How much more my life can be more interesting to me?
Cara is jealous of my carefree life. WAHAHAA

Like yeah, who cares about any fucker who wants to say about me huh?
Cause I enjoy my life, at least for now.

Every night sleeping at ams. Makes me feel like missing school everyday.
At least waking up at late pms can head down to petal. :}

Desktop lagging like nobody's business
laptop still not fixed! Super fuck up by facebook.

When can my study mood be back?
All I think about is clubbing this saturday and going PLAY on teacher's day.
Anyone anyone anyone willing to join my party life?!

Microecon notes' infront of me for almost an hour.
But it's still on the same page, gonna head down to Petal soon?

For sharepoint, I marked down Nel already.
And I've pleased Mr tan to interview me, better, infront of the class.
Anyway, you know I say whatever I feel like
and I believe you are not able to read my mind.

I shall attend school for thursday and friday.
At least for thursday :/

Gonna meet friends up, byeeee!

Remember to follow me on Twitter!